Advanced Excel

Unique Training with Vision Integrity & Commitment to Serve the World

Data Manipulation

Excel has become an essential computing tool in increasingly demanding corporate world. From tracking your assets, income, debt and net worth to creating graph and chart, importing data from the web, data conversion, data analysis and visualization tools, Excel support financial decision making for Business. Students at PIBM are given special Advanced Excel training and certification which equips them from basic functional skills to advanced logic based excel functions and formulas. Our trainers have divided Excel training into following modules:

Data Manipulation & Navigation Functions

Students are given training on basic excel functions like how to add or delete rows / columns, hide or unhide, group or ungroup, sorting, navigation etc. in day to day use.


Other Advanced Functions

Excel has become an essential computing tool in increasingly demanding corporate world. From tracking your assets, income, debt and net worth to creating graph and chart, importing data from the web, data conversion, data analysis and visualization tools, Excel support financial decision making for Business. Students at PIBM are given special Advanced Excel training and certification which equips them from basic functional skills to advanced logic based excel functions and formulas. Our trainers have divided Excel training into following modules:

Formulas & Other Advanced Functions

For data analysis and decision making assistance, students are given training on various formulas and functions like:


Mathematical functions - Count, Average, Mean, etc.

Pivot Table and Charts

Macro training

Macro training



Calculating Return on Investments (ROI)

Preparing financial reports like Balance Sheet

Profit & Loss projection

Working capital planning

Ratio analysis

Financial modeling



Excel has become an essential computing tool in increasingly demanding corporate world. From tracking your assets, income, debt and net worth to creating graph and chart, importing data from the web, data conversion, data analysis and visualization tools, Excel support financial decision making for Business. Students at PIBM are given special Advanced Excel training and certification which equips them from basic functional skills to advanced logic based excel functions and formulas. Our trainers have divided Excel training into following modules:

Sales Chart and Analysis

Annual sales forecasting

Marketing Budget and Expenses analysis

Media Budget Forecasting

Marketing ROI analysis


Human Resource

Excel has become an essential computing tool in increasingly demanding corporate world. From tracking your assets, income, debt and net worth to creating graph and chart, importing data from the web, data conversion, data analysis and visualization tools, Excel support financial decision making for Business. Students at PIBM are given special Advanced Excel training and certification which equips them from basic functional skills to advanced logic based excel functions and formulas. Our trainers have divided Excel training into following modules:

Man Power Planning

Performance Analysis & Management

HR Dashboard preparation

Budget & Payroll Analysis

Employee Database Management
